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Strummer Hoffston is a writer living in New York City. 

Her writing has appeared in Vulture, CREEMAmerican Poetry Review, Fence, Kenyon Review, The Yale Review, Salt Hill, Radar Poetry, and Epiphany, where she was winner of the 2016 Emerging Writers Award judged by Vijay Seshadri. 


She's the recipient of fellowships from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where she received her M.F.A. in Poetry. She holds a B.A. in English and Creative Writing from N.Y.U.'s Gallatin School of Individualized Study.  


Soon after she was born, Joe Strummer gave an interview at a local radio station in Philadelphia. Her parents waited outside the station and when they introduced themselves to Joe, they told him, “We named our kid after you.” Joe rubbed Strummer's head and said, “Awww...little Joe.” “No,” said her father, “it’s a girl, Strummer.” Strummer told this story to Joe in Brooklyn in 2002 and gave him her drivers license to prove she was named after him. He died with it in his wallet. 

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